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Introduction to Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones naturally produced in the human body. As we age, hormone levels decline causing various symptoms and health issues. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can help replenish declining hormones, alleviating symptoms and promoting better health.

Renew Wellness Clinic specializes in customized bioidentical hormone therapy to help patients restore optimal hormonal balance. Our highly trained medical staff personalize treatment plans based on symptoms and lab testing. We offer cutting edge therapies to optimize hormonal health.

What are Bioidentical Hormones?

  • Molecularly identical to endogenous human hormones
  • Derived from plant sources
  • Custom formulated for hormone optimization
  • Available as pills, creams, injections etc.

Bioidentical hormones act in the body just like naturally produced hormones. They are safe and effective when properly dosed and monitored by an experienced medical professional.

Our Services

Conditions Treated with Bioidentical HRT

Bioidentical hormone therapy can alleviate symptoms related to:

  • Menopause and perimenopause
  • Andropause (male menopause)
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Adrenal fatigue
  • Infertility
  • Loss of libido
  • Neurological conditions
  • Osteoporosis
  • Heart disease prevention
  • Weight management
  • Diabetes prevention
  • Anti-aging and longevity

Why Choose Renew Wellness Clinic for Bioidentical HRT?

Renew Wellness Clinic specializes exclusively in advanced bioidentical hormone replacement therapies (BHRT). With two decades of experience optimizing hormones, our center offers unparalleled expertise.

Our Bioidentical Hormone Specialists

Our medical staff includes:

  • Board certified physicians
  • Specialists certified in age management medicine
  • Nurses and technicians

    • Thorough understanding of customized bioidentical hormone therapy

We stay current on the latest medical research and innovative bioidentical hormone treatment options. Patients benefit from our comprehensive knowledge and holistic approach.

Personalized Treatment Protocols

We tailor bioidentical hormone treatment plans to each patient's:

  • Individual bloodwork
  • Genetics
  • Lifestyle and health history
  • Current symptoms and complaints

Proper hormone testing is crucial prior to initiating therapy. We conduct thorough assessments to determine specific deficiencies and imbalances. This enables precise treatment for optimal results.

Restore your health with bioidentical hormones from Renew Wellness Clinic.

Diagnosing Hormonal Imbalances

Accurately diagnosing hormonal status is the first step in bioidentical HRT. Renew Wellness Clinic medical staff are experts at evaluation testing. We utilize running biomarker assessments to ensure optimal hormone balance is achieved and maintained.

Signs and Symptoms

Patients may present with various signs and symptoms indicating a potential hormone imbalance including:

Men - Loss of muscle mass - Increased body fat - Low libido - Erectile dysfunction - Depression, insomnia, fatigue

Women - Hot flashes - Night sweats - Vaginal dryness - Anxiety, irritability - Weight gain

Diagnostic Testing

We use comprehensive testing to evaluate hormone levels. These tests provide objective data revealing specific deficiencies and imbalances.

Examples include:

  • Blood tests
  • Saliva testing
  • Urine testing

Review of medical history and family health conditions also informs potential genetic predispositions to hormonal imbalances.

Evaluations also assess overall health status related to:

  • Thyroid function
  • Cardio metabolic factors
  • Nutrient status
  • Toxicity levels
  • Digestive health

Renew Wellness Clinic Bioidentical HRT Protocols

Once testing determines specific hormonal imbalances, we develop customized treatment plans. Sustainable lifestyle modifications are foundational to long term hormone optimization.

Bioidentical Delivery Methods

Renew Wellness Clinic provides cutting edge bioidentical hormone therapies including:

  • Pellets - long acting implantable hormones
  • Oral medications
  • Sublingual tablets
  • Transdermal creams
  • Patches
  • Injectables

Pellet implants in particular allow steady hormone release over 3-6 months. This avoids the peaks and troughs seen with traditional therapies taken daily. Our physicians determine optimal delivery methods on an individual basis.

Key Points of Renew Wellness Clinic Bioidentical HRT

- Compounded specifically for each patient - Monitored with follow up bloodwork - Adjusted in real time based on lab biomarkers - Lifestyle counseling for improved results - Ongoing patient education - Coordinated care with other providers

We also provide ancillary therapies that support balanced hormone physiology:

  • Nutritional counseling
  • Supplement recommendations
  • Stress management techniques

Importance of Hormonal Balance

Imbalanced hormones negatively impact nearly all aspects of health. Restoring optimal levels can enhance:

  • Body composition
  • Energy and stamina
  • Cognition
  • Weight management
  • Immunity
  • Heart health
  • Emotional state
  • Life satisfaction

Our practitioners specialize in recognizing subtle symptoms that signal suboptimal hormonal status. We provide truly integrative care for those seeking to regain wellness and enhance longevity.

Restoring Health and Vitality with Bioidentical HRT

The modern medical paradigm recognizes the vital link between hormone status and overall health. As research continues to demonstrate clear benefits, bioidentical hormone replacement steadily gains prominence.

Patient Success Stories

Countless individuals have transformed their lives through BHRT available from Renew Wellness Clinic. Some examples include:

Maria's Story

- Suffered hot flashes, fatigue, low libido - Lab testing revealed estrogen, progesterone deficiency - Received customized pellet hormone therapy - Symptoms alleviated in weeks - Lost 15 pounds with improved energy

Michael's Story

- Excess weight, brain fog, erectile dysfunction - Diagnosed with low testosterone - Given biweekly testosterone injections - Normalized hormone levels within months - Better physique, sharp thinking, healthy libido

These patient stories demonstrate how properly administered bioidentical hormone therapy (BHT) offers new beginnings at any age. Restoring homeostasis regulates metabolism, cognition, reproductive health and much more.

Restore your health with bioidentical hormones.

Bioidentical HRT for Men

While most associate hormone therapy with women and menopause, men also suffer from age related declines. Diminishing testosterone causes fatigue, sexual dysfunction, even dementia. Renew Wellness Clinic helps men reclaim their vitality through expert testosterone replacement protocols.

Andropause Risk Factors

Also referred to as male menopause, andropause involves declining testosterone levels resulting in:

  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Weight gain
  • Physical and mental fatigue
  • Poor concentration/memory
  • Irritability
  • Decreased libido

Causes stem from modern lifestyle choices and environmental factors including:

  • Chronic stress
  • Sedentary work
  • Processed foods
  • Exposure to toxins

Genetics also play a role. Men with family histories of Alzheimer's disease often have lower testosterone levels by mid life.

Renew Wellness Clinic helps men determine root causes of hormone depletion using precise testing protocols. We then guide patients through proven natural therapies, medications, and needed lifestyle changes.

Real Patient Example

James presented with fatigue, erectile dysfunction, and difficulty concentrating at age 52. Testing revealed low free and total testosterone levels.

Our fertility specialist designed a treatment plan including:

  • Weekly testosterone injections
  • Stress management counseling
  • Individualized fitness planning
  • Nutritional optimization

Within six months, James normalized hormonal status, improved energy, lost 25 pounds, and restored healthy sexual functioning. Ongoing monitoring ensures continued progress.

Bioidentical HRT for Women

Women face complex hormone fluctuations throughout life ultimately culminating in menopause. This biological transition causes disruptive symptoms impairing health and wellbeing.

Renew Wellness Clinic specializes in helping women smoothly traverse menopause and beyond with customized bioidentical protocols including:

We provide compassionate care through this change, allowing women to thrive in midlife and age gracefully.

Common Perimenopausal Symptoms

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Sleep disruption
  • Short term memory loss
  • Mood instability
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Accelerated aging

Bioidentical hormone therapy alleviates these disruptive symptoms, often dramatically. Women report life changing improvements with proper hormonal balance restoration guided by our experienced clinicians.

Additional Health Benefits of Balanced Hormones

Optimizing hormones impacts overall wellness in diverse ways beyond basic symptom relief. These include:

Enhancing Longevity

Balanced hormones help regulate gene expression and cellular physiology to promote longevity.

  • Bioidentical testosterone offsets inflammation, cardiovascular risks
  • Estrogen supports neurological and bone health
  • Growth hormone enhances mitochondrial function

Activated regenerative pathways slow the aging process at a biomechanical level.

Reducing Disease Risks

Studies confirm hormone optimization lowers disease vulnerability including:

Condition Hormones Providing Protection
Cancer testosterone, progesterone
Diabetes testosterone, estrogen, progesterone
Neurodegenerative disease testosterone, estrogen
Osteoporosis estrogen
Cardiovascular disease testosterone, estrogen

By supporting robust physiology long term, bioidentical hormone replacement acts as preventative medicine against chronic ailments.

Improving Body Composition

Balanced fat burning and muscle building hormones promote optimal physical structure with:

  • Decreased body fat percentage
  • Increased lean muscle mass

    • Greater basal metabolic rate
    • Easier maintained healthy weight

The regenerative effects of hormones like testosterone, growth hormone and thyroid stimulate more youthful body composition.

Cognitive Enhancement

Essential hormones like estrogen, testosterone and progesterone strongly support neurological function.

Benefits may include:

  • Enhanced working memory
  • Increased verbal fluency
  • Improved focus/concentration
  • Decreased depression/anxiety

Supporting brain physiology preserves acuity well into later life.

Lifestyle Optimization for Best Results

To actualize the full benefits of treatment, patients must enact positive lifestyle changes. Renew Wellness Clinic physiologists provide customized guidance to helppatients implement healthy daily practices.

Key Areas to Address

- Exercise - Mix of strength training and cardio - Sleep - Aim for 7-9 hours nightly - Nutrition - Eliminate inflammatory foods - Stress management - Adopt relaxation practices - Toxin reduction - Avoid plastics, chemicals - Spiritual/social connection - Enrich mental health

We emphasize sustainable behaviors promoting vitality versus short term fixes. Patients become empowered acting as stewards of their own wellness through education and coaching.

Renew Wellness Clinic - Leaders in Bioidentical HRT

Renew Wellness Clinic offers cutting edge bioidentical hormone therapies backed by two decades of clinical success. We pair innovative treatments with comprehensive lifestyle medicine for optimal outcomes.

Our goal is educating patients to make informed choices supporting total body balance and healthy longevity. We personalize care plans to each individual's unique needs and goals.

To learn more and schedule your consultation with one of our hormone specialists, please visit the clinic. Discover how customized bioidentical hormone replacement can help you reclaim optimal wellness.


Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy from Renew Wellness Clinic can transform lives by restoring optimal hormone balance and vitality. With customized treatment plans, compassionate care, and a holistic approach, patients can overcome hormonal imbalances and age gracefully. Whether you are a man or woman experiencing symptoms of hormone decline, the Renew Wellness Clinic team is dedicated to helping you reclaim your health and wellbeing through safe, effective bioidentical hormone therapy.

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